Ed ng
Co-Founder & Principal
AB Concept
One of Hong Kong’s foremost creative designers, Ed Ng is one-half of multi-disciplinary international design studio ab concept alongside co-founder Terence Ngan. Born and raised with both Asian and Western influences in Hong Kong, Ed’s formative years shaped his design principles and aesthetic, enabling him to understand different cultures and fuse them together in his design approach. Through his work with AB Concept, Ed has spent the last two decades creating innovative spaces for the most prestigious clients in luxury hospitality, wellness. and F&B, including the Four Seasons, Rosewood, Mandarin Oriental, and Ritz Carlton.
香港最前沿的设计师伍仲匡与建筑师颜学添联合创立了享誉国际的室内及建筑设计事务所ab concept(奥必概念)。伍仲匡成长于融合中西方文化的香港,这座城市塑造了他海纳百川的设计哲学和美学体系。在过去的二十多年里,他带领奥必概念持续为四季、瑰丽、文华东方、华尔道夫和丽思卡尔顿等知名国际酒店餐饮集团和商业地产打造新颖独特的空间。